P-LIGHT Midi, P-LIGHT Maxi and P-LIGHT original spare parts are stocked by Europart in Sweden and Denmark. The other models are brought home on order.

Sale Finland – Myynti Suomessa

T.M.T. Malinen OY
Vanhatie 16
FI-15210 LAHTI
Puh: +358 (0)3 882 0500
E-mail: info@tmt.fi
Internet: www.tmt.fi

Sale Germany – Vertrieb Deutschland
Suer Nutzfahrzeugtechnik GmbH
Handelsstraße 5
Web: www.suer.de
Jürgen Falentin
Fon: +49 (0) 2196 946134
E-mail: juergen.falentin@suer.de
Thomas Schiffer
Fon: +49 (0) 2196 946209
E-mail: thomas.schiffler@suer.de

Sales Sweden and Other Countries

InnoNet AB
Olvägen 7
SE-342 50 Vislanda
Phone: +46 472-483 83
E-mail: sales@innonet.se
Internet: www.p-light.com
Support: support.p-light.com
Internet: www.innonet.se